Primary Goal
To enrol as Full Members every established National Property Valuation Organisation (NPVO) able to meet WAVO entry qualifications; to enrol as Nominee Members those additional NPVOs believed able with our support to qualify over time as Full Members; and, to enrol as Observers or Sponsors a balanced set of other organisations supportive of our Mission and Goals.
Secondary Results Areas
- Membership Recruitment
- Membership Certification
- Membership Communications
- Annual Congresses
Strategic Initiatives
(To be scheduled over the next five years.)
- Develop, resource and implement a Membership Recruitment Plan which (i) identifies prospective members, by membership category; (ii) establishes recruitment priorities among them; (iii) sets achievable annual recruitment targets; (iv) contains a Marketing and Promotion Plan including appropriate recruitment strategies and (v) contains an implementation plan with concrete performance targets.
- Decide on and publish the criteria governing each type of Member.
- Establish the processes for evaluating and appointing Members.
- Decide on the services to be provided to Members, and incorporate a list/description of these in recruitment materials.
- Determine the responsibilities to be incurred by Members, including the financial contribution to be required of each category of Member.
- Design, develop and produce (i) an attractive Recruitment Package to assist in Membership recruiting; and (ii) a Speakers Kit for recruitment speeches.
- Design and develop the 2006 Singapore Congress, and the longer-term plan covering each Congress for the next five years specifying continent and key sponsor(s), taking care to avoid scheduling conflicts.
- Develop a presentation to International Aid Agencies, as prospective Sponsors.
- Finalise the different Certificates of Membership, for early distribution to existing Members and to be given to each new Member.